
I recently discovered that my dream house is for sale. Now obviously i know i'll never be able to afford it unless i won a scandalous amount of money, but my dreams don't know that.
This bright lovely evening i decided that i'd drive out and fantasize about what it would be like to live there, and plan where all my belongings would look best.

These thoughts instantly brought me to The Time Traveler's Wife, when Henry and Clare first move into their house.

'Now it's dark and Clare and I are wandering through the house, touching the walls, running our hands over the cherry windowsills. Our bare feet slap the wood floors. We run water into the claw-footed bathtub, turn the burners of the heavy Universal stove on and off. The windows are naked; we leave the lights off and street light pours over the empty fireplace through dusty glass. Clare moves from room to room, caressing her house, our house. I follow her, watching as she opens closets, windows, cabinets. She stands on tiptoe in the dining room, touches the etched-glass light fixture with a fingertip. Then she takes off her shirt. I run my tongue over he breasts. The house envelopes us, contemplates us as we make love in it for the first time, the first of many times, and afterward, as we lie spent on the bare floor surrounded by boxes, I feel that we have found our home.'
Audrey Niffenegger.


A very happy Easter spent with food and family.


Part One of this Sunday saw Lydia Leith and I looking completely hilarious collecting boxes from supermarkets on bikes..... I'm sure there will be more on this to come.

Part Two of this Sunday saw the introduction of my beautiful new Motor Monty (a 1958 Sunbeam Rapier), to the Fangtang gang.
I just know that we're all going to be so happy together, i can't wait to regale infinite stories and tales of our adventures together.


Waking up in London, in the house of long time bezzie, Ellie Rocks is always a complete and utter treat.
Waking up in London, in the house of long time bezzie, Ellie Rocks with a hangover and very little sleep however, is certainly NOT a complete and utter treat.
A little fresh air and food later and we were half human again. The company of Ellie Rocks, Gary Bovill, James McCarthy, Helen Marshall, and Gina Morris certainly helped return the smile to my face, and once again i was thankful for such wonderful friends, especially on the most glorious of days.
Oh Sunday, you're such a delicious treat.


Mothering Sunday, a day to give thanks and show our Mother's how much we appreciate all that they do for us.
Our family gathered and celebrated three generations worth of love and dedication.
Thank you Mother's, we love you and then some.


The first car boot of 2012 came in the form of Hexham with Lydia Leith. Off we popped on the train, our purses and wallets full of change ready to exchange for someone else's old crap.
It turned out to be a very successful trip indeed, with red and yellow the apparent colour theme to our purchases, clothes and choice of eats.