
I'm not sure how it's happened, but ever since i returned from France i've felt truly miserable. 
The good thing about this is, that i'm not alone.... The rest of Fangtang have also been feeling pretty similar. 
In order to cheer ourselves up we decided to spend the day together and help restore each other's smiles. We spent the morning pottering around a local Antiques fair but came away mostly empty handed. 
We do eating pretty well really, and who isn't happy when eating delicious foods? 
After afternoon naps we rejoined and took a trip to the Cinema, our smiles firmly back on our faces once more. 
Thank you Sunday, and thank you Fangtang, you certainly are my remedy. 


A miserable Sunday spent dreaming about being back in heaven.
My travels over, all that was left to do was sleep and re-live my week of absolute perfection.


My sleepy eyes opened and a huge smile immediately transformed my face from slumber into pure joy. 
I had awoken in my favourite place of all time - Sees, France. As if i wasn't lucky enough to experience this amazing place last year, I was back to relive my dreams once again, with a handful of the most incredible people of all time. 
I don't think i could ever describe / capture the true nature of this perfect house, but every time i close my eyes and inhale, this house is the first smell that comes to me. Love in it's truest form.... And then some. 


After a long hard day at work, rushing around to get all my jobs done, and preparing for the next long day, this was all i needed to feel human once again.


A Sunday off work, before lots of hard work begins.
With the weather quite hideous outside, i got a taste of Autumn Sundays and awoke quite happy, knowing that i could hibernate beneath my bedding with a smashing read.
I finally got a chance to finish reading 'Submarine', which was a true delight, and a book i highly recommend.

The evening was spent with good friend Louise Waugh, snuggled beneath blankets, with films and snacks to keep us company.