Anyone who knows me will inform you of my obsession for organisation, what they might not know however is my obsession for re-organisation of organisation.
My CDs have been alphabetised by first name since the beginning of time, however recently i've been getting myself all mixed up, so i decided to re-organise them by surname (like any sane person would right?!). This might sound like a ridiculous task, but i assure you it was not, and just what my Sunday menu needed.
With my musical chore over and done with, i stood back and exhaled a sigh of relief. My work there was done.
My evening task was one of the most random things i think i have ever been asked to do.....
So my friend is a teacher of a local high school academy, and today was the day that they were putting on a big dance competition..... Who was asked to be a judge..... Well, yours truly NATCH!
Well this news is just hilarious and pretty self explanatory, so i'll just leave it there.
With a chuckle, that is all for another week.